Say goodbye to the mid-morning slump and biscuit cravings! This granola is so nutritious - packed with fibre, protein and healthy fats to keep you going until lunch. Adapted from a Jamie Oliver recipe, it is so versatile meaning you can easily mix up your breakfasts. It is worth making a large batch as it will keep well if stored in an air tight container.
1 kg porridge oats
300 g unsalted mixed nuts , such as walnuts, almonds Brazils, hazelnuts, pecans, pistachios, cashews
250 g mixed seeds , such as chia, poppy, sunflower, sesame, linseed, pumpkin
50 - 150 g mixed dried fruit, such as blueberries, cranberries, sour cherries, mango, apricots, figs, sultanas, goji berries. Dried fruit is high in sugar so try to reduce quantity as much as possible
3 tablespoons cacao powder
1 large orange
Preheat the oven to 180°C/350°F/gas 4.
Place the oats, nuts and seeds in a large roasting tray. Mix together and roast for 15 minutes, stirring halfway.
Add the roasted oats, nuts and seeds together with the dried fruit, cacao powder and orange zest into a food processor. You will probably have to do this in batches.
Once it is blitzed up, store in an airtight jar/tin.

Serving suggestions:
A few tablespoons of granola with your chosen milk, natural or Greek yoghurt (avoid flavoured and fat-free) topped with fresh fruit.
Make porridge using 50% granola and 50% whole oats.
Add it to smoothies
